Sunday, January 9, 2011

A quick review of the first day for a few of my classes....

My College Algebra class was at 8am. I have Mr. Frank Hendrick, who apparently receives mixed reviews, as my instructor. I think he's great! He has a pleasing voice and  smiles a lot. If  you are teaching something  I suck at then you could at least give an encouraging smile ever so often. It  also helps that he is a male and I  seem to learn math better when presented by guys. Strange? Not really, look it up. Apparently my math brain functions more like a male's than a female's. Females can be just as awesome in math, but the female brain tends to process it differently, which effects how they teach it to others, etc.

My British Literature II class great, as expected. Dr. Grace Wilson is as wonderful as always. I am unfortunately already annoyed with my classmates (especially the idiot-wonder behind me). Ugh! I am super excited about the selections in the book
....Lord Byron, Lord Tennyson, and even Lewis Carroll! So Happy!
Our first assignment for the course is to peruse the book and  write 5 questions or comments (done) and to take a gander at the top 7 (male) poets of the Romantic period and choose one to write a short paper on. It was a tough decision. I ended up choosing Lord Byron because I completely forgot I was watching Hercules in the Maze of the Minotaur when I started reading his tale of Don Juan.

My Walk, Jog, Run class was nice. We don't start exercising  until Wednesday though. That was a definite disappointment, but Coach Byrne is great and he knows me from the Library anyway.

My Women's Literature class is online, which is sad because I would really have preferred a face-to-face course. The  book was also a  It has Mary Shelley though, so that's cool. Maybe I'm being a bit harsh or anti-feminist about it, but I'm a bit off-put by the selections with titles like: ode to my uterus, or whatever it is. Oh'll be an experience, and I just adore Ms. Julie Long, so I'll give it my all regardless of preference.

My Voice For Performance class is the only difference between Monday and Wednesday and the classes taken on Friday.

More to come....................

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